View Full Version : Ebay - I can see the current bid

14-10-2004, 18:41
Is this normal? - I can see the current max bid price and all the bids up to that price on all auctions

I don't think this has occured before?

User ID Bid Amount Date of bid
caz12953 ( 0 ) £3.20 14-Oct-04 18:22:37 BST
hell_inabucket ( 8 ) £3.00 14-Oct-04 16:08:33 BST
gayatauk ( 0 ) £2.25 14-Oct-04 15:45:11 BST
hell_inabucket ( 8 ) £1.62 14-Oct-04 16:07:56 BST
hell_inabucket ( 8 ) £1.20 14-Oct-04 15:21:18 BST
ann280_2 ( 34) £1.00 14-Oct-04 14:07:11 BST
hell_inabucket ( 8 ) £1.00 14-Oct-04 15:20:34 BST

Chris W
14-10-2004, 18:56
yeh they changed it a while ago- can see the the current bids, but you can't see people's maximum bid, for example, although caz12953 is showing a bid of £3.20, he/she may have entered a max bid of £100... but you won't know until you bid and then it will incrememt the same is it did before.