View Full Version : Server Hangup ... WTF?

ntl customer
06-05-2004, 00:23
I keep on getting a server hangup on the TFL journey planner - changed proxy and still get the same problems. What is a server hangup anyway?

Not the first time the server has hung up ... see the ntl article further below on this page . . . http://www.ispreview.co.uk/ispnews/archives/arc19.shtml

ntl I hate you so much right now .... arrghh!!! :fit: :mad:

06-05-2004, 09:45
whats the exact error msg?

ntl customer
06-05-2004, 23:46
whats the exact error msg?

A server hangup.

It just says (with helpful description :rolleyes: )...

Server Hangup


Description: Server Hangup

06-05-2004, 23:56
well, I just had a quick google on the subject. It's usually a problem with website's hosting server, when it is busy. not a lot can be done from user point of view.